Welcome to the Hat Creek Pilots Association.  We are the official USHPA chapter and local Hang and Paragliding club of Hat Creek Rim whose intention is to connect pilots, from all over, with the magic of The Rim.  

Known as a high desert site, it is unique due to the terrain and topography which allows it to be flyable nearly year round.  In the last 35 years which pilots have enjoyed the magic The Rim, it has undergone many changes. Since the establishment of the HCPA, numerous site improvements have occurred making it one the most easily accessible, and pilot friendly sites in Northern California.  Known for its world class glass-offs, it is a true gem of the North State. It is our mission to not only continue preserving this site, but to further enhance the free flight community by providing a safe and easily accessible site.


NEW FOR 2025:   Due to recommendations from USHPA, the Hat Creek Pilots Association will now require that all pilots intending to fly Hat Creek Rim sign the Hat Creek Pilots Association Chapter Waiver and join or renew your HCPA club MEMBERSHIP annually.  Foreign pilots who are not USHPA members can obtain a temporary USHPA membership.

Annual membership is a suggested $20 donation and all proceeds go to site maintenance, continued improvements, club sponsored events, and the numerous other costs associated with preserving this amazing site.   For further details and pilot requirements please click on the site guide above.  Becoming a member is easy, look for the link located above on the main menu  or click here:

Join HCPA 

Are you wanting to coordinate with other pilots heading out to fly for the day?  Are you a P3/H3 rated pilot flying The Rim for the first time and wanting to get a site intro?  Or you are a P2/H2 needing to arrange for a sponsor?  Just click the link provided and we will connect you with a mentor.  flyingplans@hatcreekrim.com


In addition, we have established club Signal and Telegram chat groups to further assist you in hopes of connecting with fellow HCPA pilots to communicate and organize flying plans.  Please feel free to also join our Facebook group which is the home base for pilots to stay up-to-date on club news, connect with other pilots, and of course, share your pics and experiences at Hat Creek Rim.  This is open to pilots and friends of The Rim.


    Signal               Facebook             Telegram

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