Flying Stories

Dates for HCVFD BBQ and Best of Lift Fly In


   Several HCPA board members and region 2 Director had a meeting with the Forest Service to discuss the future of Hat Creek Rim. It was a rewarding meeting and the Forest Service are happy to have the free flight community work with them. When there is any more definite information we will update club members.

   We are planning on some events. The HCVFD BBQ is coming up July18th 2.00pm-5.00pm at the Hereford Ranch RV park.  With the excellent timing you can gorge yourself on the “Deep Pit BBQ” that this event is famous for and support the local Volunteer Fire Department  (the 1st responders for the Rim)  and get to go fly the glass off afterwards. A win win situation! You could also buy some of the T Shirts left over from last year as the VFD get 1/2 of all those sales.

    The Best Of Lift Fly In 2015 is scheduled for August 15th. This fly in was cancelled twice last year due to fires and weather. This year we can keep our fingers crossed. The BOL fly in is an ongoing memorial fly in for Page Perrin.  The first one soon after Pages passing was very well attended. This will be the 2nd one.

     The "Fly Your Glass Off” Fly in  started in 2003/4 lapsed for many years and restarted a few years ago will be “taking off” right after the BOL fly in on Aug 16th.
     "The FYGO traditionally seeks out the best glass offs” in NE California. The favorite being Sugar Hill in Modoc county with a glass off flight 28 miles up range to Lakeview. Northerly winds will take us to Gallatin Peak by Eagle lake, East winds to Soldier Creek Rim, and good old reliable Hat Creek if weather does not cooperate elsewhere. Traditionally the “Fly In” will last until pilots have had enough.


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