Photo Gallery
Some more Pictures from the BOL fly in and a short video of landings taken by Debbie J and a few other camp and BBQ shots.
We were lucky to get three soarable clear days. Although everybody did get to fly and we had an injury free weekend, we did have a couple of folks who launched early, succumb to the magnetism of LZ 1. As Page would have said, a classic case of "premature aviation"
The FYGO right after the BOL was quite smoky. Only one day flown at Soldier Creek Rim with 4 pilots landing between launch and Cedarville. Bill T seemed a little lost in the haze and flew some miles south only to finally head back north and land at the Cedarville airport. We still had fun camping at Lassen Creek as always and the great breakfasts at the Davis Creek store checking weather on the wifi and checking the smoke. May have to check it again if the smoke clears.