Flying Stories

Spring Flying

  3 PG,s and 2 HG's headed out to Hat Creek Sunday.  The day looked exciting and it was. First PG off  Troy was only just staying above launch with the occasional sinking a little below the rim. 2 more PG's took off Nate and Sonny just as Troy was starting to climb just south of launch. By the time I was suited up and ready the wind had picked up and all 3 PG's were climbing out. I launched and caught a ratty strong thermal just in front of launch which was rough and drifting fast to the SE. Now being able to see the virga that was just to the north of us I headed out to LZ2. After an uneventful landing Sonny and Nate landed in LZ2. Troy landed out.  Dennis the 2nd HG did not get off as the winds started to blow down on launch. Thanks to Nate for the pictures.


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